Welcome to Kiefer’s digital home away from home. Here, you’ll find a few things I find interesting enough to devout some time, text & images to. So peruse & enjoy. Thanks for stopping by!

Paranormal Investigations.

Whether one believes in the afterlife & paranormal or not, I've had enough first-hand experiences in my time to seriously question if there is something beyond the rubicon of death. Here, you'll find a smattering of investigations I've either been a part of or led.  

Having a strong background in science built upon a foundation of humanities, I'm usually looking for explanations that won't break my ever-changing beliefs. However, sometimes, there's situations where there is no other explanation other than the phantasmagorical and sometimes, there’s instances where absolutely nothing happens.

If anything can be said, this paranormal fascination of mine has definitely led me into some fantastic places whereby, I wouldn't have thought twice about. And so in that vein, I consider this 'habit' to be a positive one. Enjoy!

Mountains & the Wilderness

Here, you’ll find all things mountain-related. Day trips, overnight camping trips, peaks & mountains of all difficulty levels and some pretty awesome mountain-porn.

Beer & Vino!

I am a craft beer & burgeoning wine connoisseur. And I LOVE taking photographs and sharing my thoughts on a good TIPA, barrel-aged stout or old world Cabernet Sauvignon.